Draft A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Version 2 - May 2024

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Draft A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Version 2 - May 2024

1.0 Introduction

Representation ID: 6587

Received: 11/07/2024

Respondent: Gleeson Strategic Land

Representation Summary:

Please see accompanying letter and transport response note which set out Gleeson’s comments and outstanding concerns on the SPD consultation. This representation relates to the draft SPD as a whole. In summary:
- Concerns remain around the age and therefore suitability of the modelling evidence and a lack of consideration for encouraging alternative forms of travel.
- The impact of non-residential traffic has not been fully considered.
- Additional sources of funding to provide the package of mitigation measures have not been identified or secured and contributions from the SPD would only make a minor part of the total funding required. Additional dwellings are required to fairly secure additional funding.
- Transitional arrangements are required between the time of the emerging Local Plan adoption and an updated charging regime.
The following is therefore considered necessary prior to the SPD being adopted:
- The emerging Local Plan housing target should be increased and the artificial 535 dpa cap should be lifted to at least 700 dpa to ensure the contributions are more fairly distributed and new development is not over compensating for any traffic impacts that may arise;
- Further modelling of traffic impacts should be undertaken to confirm, or otherwise, that the package of A27 mitigation measures is still necessary;
- If the mitigation measures are still necessary clarity needs to be provided as to how the remainder of the funding shortfall will be secured. The Council should set out a business case for securing the additional funding.


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