Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment
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Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment
Sustainability Appraisal - January 2023
Representation ID: 5550
Received: 17/03/2023
Respondent: Elivia Homes (formerly Millwood Designer Homes)
Agent: Savills
OBJECT: Additional assessment of the developable HELAA sites is required to consider the likely effects of development.
SUPPORT: The SA conclusion for the Land at Ansells Yard is supported. The 18 dwellings allocated at the Land at Ansells yard in the WGNP should be re-allocated to a more sustainable site, such as the Land East of St Peter’s Church.
SUPPORT: MDH supports the Sustainability Appraisal’s conclusion that Wisborough Green should undergo ‘significant growth’ in order to meet the strategic need for houses across the district. However, Scenario 3 for the allocation of at least 125 homes is preferred as scenarios 1 and 2 do not provide ‘significant growth’.
See full comments in attachment.
See attachment.
As set out in the SA and Housing Distribution Background Paper (July 2024) a range of growth scenarios were considered for the north plan area including a figure for Wisborough Green higher than that proposed in the Regulation 19 Local Plan. This level of growth was not considered appropriate but it is nevertheless ‘significant’ in the context of what was previously proposed for Wisborough Green in the Preferred Approach Local Plan.
As the housing figure for Wisborough Green is a parish housing requirement it will be for the Wisborough Green Neighbourhood Plan to determine the allocation of sites to deliver this number.