Purpose, Scope and Status of this Supplementary Planning Document

Showing comments and forms 1 to 2 of 2


A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document - August 2023

Representation ID: 6327

Received: 30/09/2023

Respondent: Mrs Charlotte Smith

Representation Summary:

I want to know why the Council can’t tell central government that they cannot build the amount of housing it wants them to build because it cannot improve the congestion of the A27 without government funds.
What would happen? Because the council is having to mitigate the impact of housing on the A27 south of Chichester it means that you have decided to approve lots more housing North of the District. This means building on green fields eg Loxwood has been allocated 220 new houses to be built………it will ruin the village as it’s not just 220 houses but how many people? How many cars? In a rural village with no proper bus service. You don’t seem to care about the impact. We have had rampant housebuilding because Chichester council did not have a Plan.

Advise government that Chichester cannot build the amount of houses the government wants unless they pay for the A27 to be improved.

Full text:

I want to know why the Council can’t tell central government that they cannot build the amount of housing it wants them to build because it cannot improve the congestion of the A27 without government funds.
What would happen? Because the council is having to mitigate the impact of housing on the A27 south of Chichester it means that you have decided to approve lots more housing North of the District. This means building on green fields eg Loxwood has been allocated 220 new houses to be built………it will ruin the village as it’s not just 220 houses but how many people? How many cars? In a rural village with no proper bus service. You don’t seem to care about the impact. We have had rampant housebuilding because Chichester council did not have a Plan.

Advise government that Chichester cannot build the amount of houses the government wants unless they pay for the A27 to be improved.


A27 Chichester Bypass Mitigation Supplementary Planning Document - August 2023

Representation ID: 6337

Received: 17/10/2023

Respondent: Fishbourne Parish Council

Representation Summary:

1.3 Add at the end "including the impact where the cumulative impact is at its greatest and the unintended impact on the country lanes whch are not designed for the volume of traffic that will use them as diversions."

Full text:

1.3 Add at the end "including the impact where the cumulative impact is at its greatest and the unintended impact on the country lanes whch are not designed for the volume of traffic that will use them as diversions."